Gateway Arch National Park Employee Viewpoint


In 2017, the NPS Employee Viewpoint Survey Task Force was created to study the results of the 2016 Employee Viewpoint Survey and to propose possible solutions to improve employee satisfaction. Initially, the task force focused on communication which resulted in a greater understanding of how information can be and is shared within divisions, between divisions, with the Superintendent’s office, and with partners.

Now that the results of the 2018 survey have been released, the task force has identified initiatives that they would like to bring to all employees for discussion and feedback. The idea is that a new survey will be released every few months with ample time given for employees to respond. After all of the information is collected, the Task Force and Management will review and analyze the data with the goal of working toward and/or implementing solutions with continued employee feedback.

Committee Members

National Park Service

Tara Rath| Facilitator
John Hobbs | Grounds
Michelle Pearce | Facility Maintenance
Eric Turner | Facility Maintenance
Erin Hilligoss-Volkmann | Interp
Jennifer King | Interp
Diane Weber | Interp
Peter Hovey | Interp
Tara Miller-Hunt | Admin
Kevin Green | Security
Cole Uphouse | Protection
Scott Cluck | Security
Bruce Melnick | Security

Jefferson National Parks Association

Dawaunna Taylor
Tom Dewey

Bi-State Development

Katie Turnure
Jerika Butler

Evelyn Hill – Arch Café

Bobbi Slattery
Dawn Egan
Theresa Kebel

Gateway Arch Park Foundation

Samantha Fisher
Shaniqua Jones

Current Initiative




Do you have an idea for a future initiative? Comments on past survey results? We want to hear from you!

GANP Employee Viewpoint Suggestions

  • (not required to submit the form)
  • (not required to submit the form)